martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Sketch of an illustration of new book of cute puppies...


This is a sketch of the new book I'm illustrating right now which will be sold via Amazon.

I'd love to have ready before Christmas!.

photoshop, misty griffin puppies

Kind regards and I wish you Merry Christmas!

And one more:.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

My last illustration: A Tail of Two Kitties!

Hello friends!.

This is another cover for Dr. Dilland Doe called: "A Tail Of Two Kitties" for Kindle /
Amazon version.

Again lots of fantasy and fun when I painted this one and much more inside the book.

What are you waiting for to buy yours?. :)

I hope you like it.


domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

My last cover (sketch) : "The Forbidden Heritage"

Hello. This is the starting phase of my latest cover, for the book with the title: "The Forbidden Heritage", of Misty Griffin.

It tells a story of an Amish girl who has a secret, hidden long time ago.

This will be soon sold in Amazon.

I will update the evolution of the cover.

Kind regards.


miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

My latest illustration: GRUNCHIN! . You can buy its book at Amazon

Hello friends!.

I've been really busy working in several projects simultaneously.

I'm proud to present you one of them: the cover of "Grunchin". A funny goblin who lives intrepid adventures in a world full of fantasy.

Here you are the link to book which you can buy at Amazon:

I enjoyed a lot painting it because of how much fantasy is condensed in only one illustration.

For me has been a pleasure do this and in some way I think this illustration transmits it. 

In other words: I've been happy painting it!.

Best regards.

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Manuela Carmena painted with iPad mini retina

Manuela Carmena Dibujo Caricatura


And this is the turn of #Manuela, #Manuela #Carmena.

It was painted with #iPad #Retina and #Procreate, the best combination in my opinion for #iPad #Mini.

She's the new major of #Madrid, capital of Spain and as all her mates, comes with the craziest and most neocomunist ideas you can imagine.

One of the last is the publishing in an official website of which media is telling the truth and which one not. 

But always figure out the uncontrolable rising of all the taxes, one of their favourites is the tax for the tourism, the most important resource of incomings for Madrid and Spain.

How could a neocomunist arrive to the government of one of the most important cities in Europe?. It's a mistery.

Because some ideas as the creation of a new currency to avoid the Euro and the limit of the budget in order to control the deficit always are kept in mind by people like Manuela Carmona. the subjacent idea of spend spend spend money (which is not theirs) with the excuse of a "social coverage" is the most pathetic thing you can hear because this always cause unemployment, due to the rise of taxes and the sinking of the investement and potential consumers.

Believe me if I tell you that a major like her can ruine millions of lifes in a city and the others which are located around it.

They will never understand that themost important is decrease the taxes and leave the economy flows.

But in country where it's forbiden pronounce the word "libertarian" ...What can you expect?. Our destiny is the complete ruine, as the greeks or argentinians has tasted coming from these neocomunist ideas,

God bless us and good luck.


viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

José Sazatornil Buendía

¿ Quién no conoce a #José #Sazatornil #Buendía ?
Era toda una institución dentro del humor español para el teatro y el cine.
Ésta es la mejor forma que conozco de rendirle un cariñoso tributo por todas las inolvidables horas que nos ha hecho pasar delante de la pantalla o del teatro.
Descanse en paz.
José Sazatornil Buendía

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Varoufakis the Rocketeer and the Grexit


This is Varoufakis and his final:

This is what happens when an economics minister has no idea of what economy means. It's usual among the leftist economists but in this case it's the most representative of all them, friend of Paul Krugman, as you could imagine.

The best he could do was go out as soon as possible and leave rest the greek people.

The problem still remains because Syriza and Tsipras don't guarantee anything.

Greece has been saved from bankruptcy three times and it means a failed policy from Europe, who don't know how to make the measures to be accomplished in order to rescue definitelly Greece.

Varoufakis and Siryza sank Greece into this hole from where they can't go out with a complete libertarian measures and a serious control of the budget and deficit.

Anyway, these persons like Varoufakis, who always seem to be ready to enter in a disco, have their lifes solved forever. He won't sufer any issue or "corralito". Who knows where his money is...

I wouldn't give greek people more money if we don't take the control of all the country economy  until the recovery would have become.

Have a good trip Varoufakis and we hope never see you again...

varoufakis rocketeer greece grexit

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Nicolás Maduro , Íñigo Errejón and Pablo Iglesias

Well, so here you are my last illustration : Nicolas Maduro, one of the latest dictators , the best representation of the ultra-leftists and the neocommies which have ruined latin america.

nicolas maduro pablo iglesias iñigo errejon

But what I want to express here is how he has spent the money of venezolan people supporting the ultraleftist Spanish party " Podemos ", with millionary contracts of "advices".

The left one is Íñigo Errejón and the right oine is Pablo Iglesias, #2 and #1 respectively of Podemos , the Spanish political party.

These people has hate hate and overall a total unknown of the minimum concepts of economy.

It's a mix among the worst of the comunism, the worst of the Spanish civil war and an absolutely lack of respect to the rival. 

They don't want the pivate property for the rest but for they, the leaders.

The cause the most horrible fears among the international and national inverstors. The model of the bolivarian republic installed in Venezuela is projecting shadows over Spain.

Within only 6 months we will know wether Podemos has something to say or not in the Spanish politics. 

Pablo Iglesias is a radical and violent leader without no idea of economics. And Iñigo Errejon is a young boy with less idea than his leader at anything. Is people who wants for the rest what they don't want for them: the tipycal commies.

Corruption, unemployment and the continuous leftist policies by leftist governments and (supposed) conservative government of Mariano Rajoy has arised so high that has become unsupportable to resist a TV news program fully filled of corruption news one behind the other and again and again.

People desperately believe in Pablo Iglesias and Iñigo Errejon, as if they were some kind of messiahs...And the only will take Spain HATE, HATE and more ruin, over the actual debries.

In my opinion, as a party who is self-called "anti-system", they should be declared illegal and finish it.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

New renders for Virginia Albuja and his project in CasaDecor

Hi folks.

Here you are my latest renders for, in this case, Virginia Albuja.

Virginia Albuja is a young interiorist who lives in Madrid, Spain and who has created some interesting spaces for other CasaDecor's editions.

It was a pleasure work for Virginia Albuja .

You can watch how this space finally is in this CasaDecor's link: 

And here the renders which contributed to the final result :

CasaDecor Corona renderer Virginia Albuja

CasaDecor Corona renderer Virginia Albuja

CasaDecor Corona renderer Virginia Albuja

CasaDecor Corona renderer Virginia Albuja

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

A sketch of Nicolás Maduro...

nicolas maduro
This is a fast sketch of this neocomunist-repressive leader, as the most representative neo-dictators of the 21st centrury...

Hace a nice day!.

Soon you'll see the complete illustration. ;) 

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Íñigo Errejón !

íiñigo errejón

This is one of the main leaders of  " #Podemos " , the latest neo - comunist and bolivarian party in Spain, which is taking advantage over the rest of the old parties in Spain.

It's told that it's being supported with millions of euros from Maduro's regime and the Iranian's regime and several documents have revealed that this is true.

The Maduro's regime has tried to export his regime in a really agressive way never seen before to an European country like Spain, in exchange of the support of #podemos to the Maduro's regime in the all the European chambers when any resolution which condemns this regime has to be approved and #podemos doesn't vote, for instance.

 #Iñigo #Errejón is one of the main leaders of #Podemos and I haven't seen before a doctoral which earns 1800€/month in Spain. And he gained his internship compiting against no one.

He and his party assure that they will fight against the corruption among the whole political spectrum but by other hand, they are achieving accords with the most corrupted political forces like #PSOE (socialist party).

These leaders and concretelly Errejón has no experience in politics and even worse (for them) in the daily life.

They have no idea about the real world in terms of politics and it's hard listen to how they adore the Nicolás Maduro 's regime, despite of the kills in the streets when citizens go out or when citizens can't get basic products, or when people die in the hospitals.

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015



This is Alcoy.

Despite of how busy I've been these last weeks, I couldn't wait more time to paint this and show it for you .

Click on it to watch it larger.


I want to dedicate it to a very special girl. ;) 

I hope you like it.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

A pear painted with my new Motorola MOTO G 2nd generation and SketchBookXpress

SketchBook Pro Motorola Moto G


This is a fast painting of a pear I painted last wednesday in the underground with my fingers and my new #Motorola #MotoG 2nd generation using #SketchBook Pro for #Android, in its free version.

I've got to say that as always, it was really funny and easy to work with this .apk from #Autodesk.

Let me comment my exprience from two points of view:

a).-Related to the specs of my new Moto G and the physical conditions for paint with and in it: I miss a bit more sensitivity for the screen of this fantastic cellular phone and anything else. I need more preassure than I would want for each trace with my finger. I bought a new stylus from #wacom and the little issue wasn't solved, much more the disgusting sensation of "too much preassure nedded" makes you feel that you will need to buy a new nib sooner than later. :-/  

b).-Related to the apk SketchBook Pro for Android: I miss rather than more layers to paint more brushes for adding more kind of details like speckles, holes or textures of noise. An editor for the creation of new brushes would be one of the most important wishes to be added to the wishlist for future versions to come. The ability to change the time to pick a color simply pressing on the screen a few seconds would be necessary in order to improve the productivity and one more, two sliders in one side of the screen for change the opacity and size of the brush would be wonderful, like Procreate for iPad has (this is the reference for the last 4 years in all kind of portable gadgets intended to paint) .But I have to admit that it's enough for being free. 

So here you are my last pear. Do you wanna taste it?. ;)

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Night At The Museum!

Hello folks!. This is a tribute to the movies about the "nights At The Museum. I love them all!.
#Nightatthemuseum Ben Stiller

I watched these films before and after my nephews exist and the experience is quite different. In the first way of watching the film you enjoy them with the baby you have inside yours and in the second way you are worried whether they enjoy as much you expected or not and you try to enjoy together with them all the way. #Ben Stiller is one of my favourite actors and it would be a wonderful idea if he could make a third part more apart of these two previous parts of #Nightatthemuseum.

Additionally I'd like to remember how good was Robin Williams as actor (and as person too: I remember when he visit the US troops in the Irak conflict to make them laugh and support the best he could do) .

So this is my tribute to both movies which I enjoyed in these two ways.

I hope you like it.

See you soon!. ;)

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Michael Moore...Coward?

michael moore


Last night I was watching FOXNews and listened to some words from Michael Moore saying that are snipers  "cowards"...He didn't mention "American Sniper" , the last movie of Clint Eastwood but he could say this long time before or wait for months after the release of the movie.

How can an american citizen that a sniper is a "coward"?. Maybe he could say the same of a general, couldn't he?. Or any other official which is not fighting on the battlefiled...

Dos he know that this movie is about A HERO?. Maybe he wants to boost the propaganda campaign of the movie, in which case we all would be glad to watch the movie. But I fear that these weren't the intentions of Mr. Moore. He has some kind of problem which can't let him think clearly. 

As I heard from FOXNews last night: Mr. Moore doesn't know what the sacrifice is. Mr Moore doesn't know that some people give their lives in order to ensure the freedom, the ability to get rich as Mr. Moore has become (MR. MOORE IS RICH) and the peace in their country (and more concretely the Mr. Moore country).

What a pity which Mr. Moore didn't know how a good movie has to be filmed, and he didn't work with good actors as Bradley Cooper or Sienna Miller. He won't make a movie like this NEVER IN HIS LIFE. 

Sometimes I think he is fill of hate and angry...Sometimes I think he hates himself...I think he's depressed and is not happy with his life.

Someone who says that about HEROES can't be ok...

#michaelmoore #michaelmoorecoward

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Eric Holder


He's Eric Holder, the former  Attorney General of the USA.

I watched him recently in the last rally in Paris aginst the latest islamic terrorist attacks in Paris and I thought:"why not painting him?" :) . So here you are:
Eric Holder

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

Happy new year from Canfranc!

Hello!. How about your entrance in this new year?.

It's a pleasure to show you this my last landscape , from Canfranc, one of the most beautiful regions in the Pirineos Mountin system.

Canfranc is a Village located in the south side of the Pirineos mountin systems and has one of the oldest and biggest train stations in Spain.

This is a part of the facilities previous to the train station.

Bye and I wish you a happy new year with my best wishes!.