miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Basic logo for a blog

Cuando la manada duerme león logo 
This is a logo for a contest. Something easy to compose and representative for the blog which started the contest:

You can vote here (clicking on the image of the link of above) till 15 of December of 2013. :)

I will told you who won this contest...


jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Alberto Ruiz Gallardón

alberto Ruiz Gallardón ETA

This is a tribute to the most inneficient minister of justice Spain has ever got. He promised the independence of the highest court in Spain, The CGPJ which should have been elected by other judges, NO BY THE TWO MAIN PARTIES. He hasn't modified the way our justice works in order to become more effective and modern: the disorder in the offices and justice facilities is caotic: some cases which in a modern country could be solved within months in Spain takes 25 times more (sometimes decades). The former law of the abort allows aborts with the excuse of "psycological discomfort" by the possible mother and the result is the most negative rate of births in the developed world (You could take this as something like a silence collective suicide for a whole country). And the worst: the amnisty of the most dangerous terrorists of the ETA terrorist group. The terrorists with 25 kills (and more) in other countries would have found the death penalty (for instance). In Spain Gallardón has taken out all of these terrorists with more than 15 kills on their backs with only 23 years inside the jail. 

The last point is what Spanish people can't understand due to the no explanation of this policy. Thi is why we all think that the Government is negotiating with the ETA terrorist group with the false hope of the PEACE. 

The two last governments have made possible ETA has reached the government of the cities, regions and now in the future, hopes to reach the National Congress with the collaboration of the last two administrations. Mariano Rajoy Brey is developing the next part of the accords reached with the last administration, the administration of J. L. R. Zapatero.

The blood of the 900 victims killed by ETA is on the back of Gallardón and Mariano Rajoy Brey and the rest who are betraying Spanish people, who don't deserve this.

For more references, you can click on this link:

Thanks for watching it.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


 Hello friends. Here you are one of the latests jobs I've made for a website. This is the header for a website and some other parts of their corporative image, as icons, watermarks and much more derived from some initial ideas.

But let me tell you some more about them:

The owner of the website (Elena) is a very active person and she is always doing several things at the same time. She wanted that the header picture showed this idea and some of the topics she writes about at www.2eloa.com such as babies and parents, do-it-yourself projects, furniture renovations, food recipes or fondant cakes.

You can take a tour by their website...You will discover a big list of things that you never knew and always wanted to know how to do... ;)

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

The Walking Dead From Vascongades

  Sketch version

I can't understand the new tradition developed in Spain (or imported from Argentina) of digging up all the corpses as possible of our civil war.

The last politician who has joined to this new "tradition" is Odón Elorza.

In these days of Halloween and with the new release of The Walking Dead (the 4th year) I bring you the spanish version of all this mix , directly from the Vascongades, Spain.

And now here you are the final version. I hope you like it:

Odón Elorza walking Dead

   Final version
Enjoy it!.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


Miguel De Unamuno

Hi!. He's Miguel De Unamuno, the famous Spanish writer of the past century. 

This illustration will be used as cover of the next book of Julia Nieto Díaz-Toledo, http://julianietoloshunosyloshotros.blogspot.com.es/, degree in philosophy,technical certificate in education in foreign language and teacher in the Corazón de María Hich School in Madrid, Spain.

Her passion for Unamuno comes from her years at uniriversity when as a personal promise, she decided that Unamuno won't die inside her at all. And this is how it has been. After decades his texts are absolutely actual. One of the bigs. A MASTER.

She will bring in her next book a personal comment about his last reflexions and thinkings, his pain and anguishes. About the tragic resentment of the life. 
She told me that Unamuno uses to walk as I've illustrated here, with his hands at his back and big and slow steps over the ground...Showing  his stressfull pilgrimage, his lack of confort wherever he went, his contradictions...It's Unamuno. 
And here you are a text written by Julia, as a personal tribute:

En una Salamanca anegada en sangre, un anciano molesto pasea solo, siempre solo. Su

compañera hace tiempo que le dejó. Amigos, familia...todo perdido. El calor le atenaza

la garganta, cansada de gritar su dolor de España.

Zancadas amplias, por llegar con prisa a ninguna parte. Nadie le espera. Nadie le

acompaña en ese insoportablemente tórrido verano de 1936.

Salamanca, renaciente maravilla, le da la espalda. La ciudad que se le entregó generosa

a su vuelta del exilio le mira con recelo, hosca, hostil.

Y él escribe sus últimos apuntes, que conformarían un libro que no llegó a ser. Un libro

donde mostrar su dolor. Su impotencia. Su agonía. Su fragilidad: El Resentimiento

trágico de la vida.

Tras el infierno, el invierno jalonado de pérdidas. De olvidos.

La fría Nochevieja de ese año, Unamuno muere gritando: “Dios no puede volver la

espalda a España, España se salvará porque tiene que salvarse”. 

Enjoy it!.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Oriol Junqueras

Hey!. What's the matter with my brain??. Where that mosquito came from?

Oriol Junqueras Goebbles Radovan Karadzic caricature

He's Oriol Junqueras. He's a secessionist leader in the region of CataluÑa, Spain.He believes that breaking his country, SPAIN, will save all his voters and his region, CataluÑa. As all the nationalists, he's full of hate against his own citizens and his mosquito's brain can't leave think clear. 

He and his party use methods and techniques in terms of propaganda which remember to the

Joseph Goebbels' and Radovan Karadžić ones and his party uses a flag of an ex-terrorist group called Tierra Libre (Terra Lliure) as you can watch here

and here .

Depending on when the government of Mariano Rajoy will turn off this illegal party and finish off this nightmare all spaniards will rest peacefully.

Enjoy the illustration!.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013


José Manuel Calderón Dallas Mavericks
jose manuel calderon dallas mavericks

Hello. He's José Manuel Calderón. He's one of the best guards in Spain and has played in the NBA since he won with the rest of the Spanish team the World Championship of Japan, in 2006. Since then he has played in Toronto Raptors among other foreign players.

He's ready to start a new season with the Dallas Mavericks NBA team together with Monta Ellis and Dirk Nowitzki.

I desire him GOOD LUCK!!.

This is my sketch by now.

And here you are the final result.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013


Hello. He's John Kerry. He has to deal with Obama with the decision of whether attack Syria or no. Obama has abondoned the foreign policies of the USA, according to his way of thinking that the USA don't have to demonstrate to the world that they must keep the peace on it. 

John Kerry Syria

The leftists and antiamericans guided by the hand of Putin started to doubt the informations of the CIA (just like in the case of the war in Irak) which assure that Syrian Government have launched chemical weapons against rebels. 

This is what happens when you avoid to take a firm decission since you take the power and control of the most powerful country in the world. Things don't get solved by themselves and if Obama is wating for that is really really wrong with that.

Obama, being the president of the USA doesn't mean sing raps, dissapear from the international scene and don't take hard decisions. 

Someone has launched chemical weapons in a war and the USA can't be just like if nothing has happened. If this is the price for your NO ACTIONS in your foreign policies you have to deal with the consequences of situations like these, where things can only get worse.

Here you are how G.W.Bush take the control of two wars and the excellent results he achieved in Irak and Afghanistan. 

Even with the "help" of Kerry ("the looser") you must change your way of making things out of the States.

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Gareth Bale, the new player of the Real Madrid.

Gareth Bale Real Madrid

Hi!. He's Gareth Bale, the new player of the Real Madrid. He's called to be the new star of the soccerand not only for his salary and amount of his contract (90 million €) : he has demonstrated skills for playing in the best soccer team in the world.

We desire you the best, Gareth, in the Real Madrid soccer club.

Enjoy it!.

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013


Hello. He's the well known Francisco, the new Pope. We all hope he bring us the peace and stability in these hard times we live. He has spent a few days in Rio De Janeiro, (Brazil) and he has brought together the biggest call of young people in the world in the World Youth Day 2013

As usual, the message of The Pope is always for bringing us the peace, prosperity and respect for others as an example of the goodness of our religion, for us, the cristians. 

God bless The Pope Francisco.

And of course, I hope you like it. 

francisco pope

You can watch it in the section of periodistadigital's blogs at:


Click on it in order to watch it better.

Kind regards.

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Mr. Boudot for Law Paths game.

This is another illustration for the game in which I'm working on: "Law Paths", soon  available in GooglePlay.

ace attorney law paths  Mr. Boudot

Ace Attorney is a well known game for the adventure games' lovers. If you love games like Ace Attorney you must pay attention on this one: Law Paths. Interesting cases, multiple paths to resolve till the end and good graphics and presentation for the delight of your eyes. :)

Kind regards.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

A cloudy landscape in summer time...

Summer cloudy landscape

Hi!. This is a cloudy landscape which I've painted between other projects I'm working for.

However, I didn't know whether continue or finishing it. I chase the second option. :) .

See you soon!.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Edward Snowden!

Hello!. This is Edward Snowden. Lately we are hearing too many things about him and we don't know anything. We've even heard that Hyperjustice-man Mr. Garzon was going to defend him against the USA, who is searching Snowden.
I think that all this is one more smoke courtain of Obama who is trying to hide his illegal spy acts against the TEA PARTY. The most important thing here and with Obama is this : OBAMA HAS BEEN SPYING THE TEA PARTY. and for this same reason, Richard Nixon was forced to abandon the White House. This is the doble way of understanding the same thing for the left media and parties: one thing for conservative leaders is a crime and the same thing for a progressist leader is "well considered" . So well considered that must be hidden even for some comunist countries as Venezuela, Russia or Ecuador.

You can watch more at my personal blog (for the wittygraphy visitors):

I hope you like it!.

Kind regards.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Do you remember Ace Attorney?.Some illustrations for Law Paths.

This is the process of making an illustration for a game in which I'm taking part. From some sketches and an initial concept of the idea I developed some points of view for giving some visions of how the final illustration could be.

Do you remember A.A. (Ace Attorney)? . Well, this is a graphics adventure game based on this well known title, for the lovers of games of trials but, in this case, with some and interesting elements which will bring you the essence of these kind of games. If you liked Ace Attorney, you must play Law Paths.

So, from an initial idea and concept of the scenary, we get the next attempts around it.

The first attempt:

Ace Attorney game Law Paths

The sencond attempt: 

Ace Attorney game Law Paths     

The third attempt:

And the final image:

Ace Attorney game Law Paths

Thanks for watching it.

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

The Winner: option 2!!. Jose María Aznar López

Hello. As you decided, I colorized the option 2 among the 4 options of Jose María Aznar López, (our former president) I presented in my last post.
Jose María Aznar López humor caricature 
Option 2

It has been a work around a minutes till this point, stage 1.
Jose María Aznar López humor caricature
 Option 2 stage 1

 As always, working on details, takes more time...But it worths it!.
Option 2 stage2

And finally, the end of the process:
José María Aznar López caricatura caricature humor illustration
Option 2 final result

I hope you liked!.

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Jose Maria Aznar López!

José María Aznar López . How about if you help me to choose which of these four sketches of J.M. Aznar can be choosen to be colorized?. :) . You can write as a comment which option from these next four you prefer. So, here you are!:

Jose Maria Aznar Lopez

Jose Maria Aznar Lopez

Jose Maria Aznar Lopez

Jose Maria Aznar Lopez

José María Aznar López has become the best president of Spain. He has been the only libertarian conservative president we have got in our 38 years of democracy and who has bring us the best rates of liberty and prosperity. He changed Spain since the first day he started with his revolutionary leadership driving Spain to the top of the rank of the most important countries in the developed world. He reduced the unemployment from the 24% to the 12%, augmented the richness in the middle class and all due to the elimination of all the basic monopolies in the strategic sectors of the economy: telecommunicactions, gas, fuel, electricity...He transformed the Spanish military forces into a professional one and fought for the free world leaving clear the opposition to regimes as Castro in Cuba, Chávez in Venezuela and Kirchner in Argentina and gaining new allies as Álvaro Uribe, who become one of the best allies in South America for Spain. J.M. Aznar was the best ally of G.W.Bush overall when the last one declared the Global Was Against The Terrorism, because J.M. Aznar was , as always, consequent and coherent with his compromise against the terrorism, because he is a victim of the terrorism (when he was candidate to his first general elections in Spain).

Now in Spain we need the same pack of revolutionary libertarian conservative ideas and politics he applied in a similar economical political situacion for Spain before. Spain don't need more Keynessianism, Spain don't need more stimulous plans, Spain don't need more subventions, no more hand outs, no more overspends...

We need libertarian conservative politics, no more socialdemocratic overspends.

We need J.M. Aznar.

And I need you tell me which of the four options would you like I colorize.  :)

Best Regards.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Dwayne Johnson, THE ROCK!

Dwayne Douglas Johnson the rock humor caricature

This is the sketch of Dwayne Johnson! . 
Dwayne Douglas Johnson (born May 2, 1972), also known by his ring name The Rock, is an American actor and semi-retired  professional wrestler who works for WWE.
Johnson was a college football player. In 1991, he was on the University of Miami's national championship team. He later played for the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League, and was cut two months into the 1995 season. This led him to become a professional wrestler like his grandfather, Peter Maivia, and his father, Rocky Johnson. He gained mainstream fame as a wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) from 1996 to 2004, and was the first third-generation wrestler in the company's history. He was quickly pushed as a face in the WWF, originally billed as "Rocky Maivia", then as "The Rock". He turned heel as a member of the Nation of Domination in 1997. Two years after he joined the WWF, he won the WWF Championship.
Johnson is widely considered one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time. He has had 17 championship reigns in WWE, including 10 as a world heavyweight champion (the WWF/E Championship eight times and the WCW/World Championship twice), the WWF Intercontinental Championship twice and the WWF Tag Team Championship five times. He is the sixth WWF/E Triple Crown Champion, and the winner of the 2000 Royal Rumble.
Johnson's autobiography The Rock Says... (co-written with Joe Layden) was published in 2000. It debuted at #1 on The New York Times Best Seller list and remained on the list for several weeks. Johnson's first leading film role was in The Scorpion King in 2002. For this role, he was paid US$5.5 million, a world record for an actor in his first starring role. He has since appeared in several successful films, including The Rundown, Be Cool, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang, The Game Plan, Get Smart, Race to Witch Mountain, Planet 51, Tooth Fairy, Doom, The Other Guys, Faster, Fast Five, and Fast & Furious 6.

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Julius Frazier Peppers

This is Julius Frazier Peppers, a comissioned artwork painted for 500level, a company located in Chicago, Il.
Julius Frazier Peppers humor caricature
Julius Frazier Peppers (born January 18, 1980), nicknamed The Freak Of Nature, is an American football defensive end for the Chicago Bears of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for the University of North Carolina, and was recognized as an All-American. The Carolina Panthers selected him with the second overall pick in the 2002 NFL Draft where he played his first eight seasons.

Kind regards.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


Friedrich August von Hayek

Hello!. This is Friedrich August von Hayek. The father figure of the Austrian Economic ideas. A tribute to one of the best defenders of the libertarian theories, theories and ideas which in case of had been applied we woudn't have arrived to this actual crisis. Control in the spend of the public budget, more power for the people, less for the government and the result is more prosperity. 

Interesting interview and resume about his person.

(Soon the color version :) )

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

James Badge Dale in Iron Man 3!

This is James Badge Dale and he's Eric Savin in the last release of Iron Man series films...One of the worst supervillains in the film. The character impressed me so much and the special effects on his skin wehere so well made that I had to reproduce as well as I could. 

The film (Iron Man 3) was really funny and it deserves your attendance at your nearest theatre.

Enjoy the illustration and of course, the film!.

Thanks for watching it.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

A fast sketch painted with iPad and Procreate

ipad procreate sketch
This is a fast sketch painted with iPad and Procreate when I saw some workers in a house under construction in El Puerto De Santa María, Spain.

The scene was so comic that at night, before going to sleep and with my eyes closing in my bed, I painted so fast as I could...


sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

A comissioned artwork...

Mayte y Mary

This is my cousin and her friend Mary. Let me tell you the history about this photo and its caricaturized version. My cousing and her friend took a photo and my cousing wanted to give her a good surprise with a gift. The gift was ...The cricaturized version of this photo. A photo which is special for both, my cousin and her friend.

Now not only her friend, my cousin too, printed the caricaturized version with a surprising effect when you look at it..

And the original/source photo is:

Mayte y Mary

It was really funny!. 

Bye and regards.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Jay Cutler for 500 Level

Jay cutler

Hi!. He's Jay Cutler, a famous american football player from the Chicago Bears for one of my clients:  https://www.500level.com/ .

I hope you like it!.


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Margaret Tatcher

Margaret Tatcher  humor caricature

This is Margaret Tatcher, one of my favourite leaders. She has became the paradigm for the libertarians in Europe. And is one of the best references of how a leader has to be if he wants to be a good libertarian-conservative leader.

She leave a group of terrorists die in their hunger strike, she gave the order to elimnate a group of IRA terrorists in Gibraltar with an excellent SAS operation and recovered the proud which had been lost due to a decadent society and stablishment of before the arrival of Tatcher.

She introduced the libertarian conservative ideas as Ronald Reagan did in the USA. And fought against unions with one of the most radical position from them, who saw how all their priviledges (subsidies, something very familiar in Spain, unfortunately) where crushed and disappeared with the policy of Margaret.

Since the election of Margaret Tatcher G.Britain wouldn't be the same. G.Britain has achieved the highest rates of growing and the higest rates of opportunities for companies and employees.

The war in Falkland Islands was a complete demonstration of how to manage a crisis of invaders in your territory. and even argentinians were pleased Margaret , indirectly, liberated them from videla's and company regime (the disaster for the argentinian army was so important that the regimen collapsed).

This is the definition of a good leader. R.I.P. Margaret Tatcher.


domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Kim Jon Un

Kim Jon Un

Well, this is Kim, Kim Jon Un...We hope his crazyness finish soon.

Step by step...I'd like to finish it before the end of the day: Resurrection Sunday for us, the cristians.

We hope the USA give HIM what he deserves and the innocent people of North Korea don't suffer anything more. They are not guilty because this "Supreme Leader" is more than a retarded.

You can watch some steps/phases of the developement to the final picture.

The USA will activate the anti-missile shield and nothing will happen, but this "leader" should be "finished".


Kim Jon Un

Kim Jon Un

And the final version.

Kim Jon Un humor caricature

I hope you like it!.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Bob Dylan knocking for Bookface Caricatures Contest...

Bob Dylan knocking on Heaven's door
This is Bob Dylan knocking on a Heaven's door for Bookface Caricatures Contest...

I haven't taken part in this contest for some years ago so...It's my turn!.

Enjoy it.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Basagoiti and Oyarzabal

Basagoiti  & Oyarzábal
Basagoiti and Oyarzabal, the two leaders of the only pro-spanish party (Partido Popular) in basque territory have sunk this party and the dreams of the democratic people to the bottom.

These are the consequences of the foolish peaceful thinking towards the terrorists: now ETA wants MORE and we hope actual president of Spain tells spaniards what will it mean for we, the Spanish people.

And in spain things couldn't be different.

This is why many of us think that terrorism is the same in spain and Basque territory, in Afghanistan, Irak or wherever they act.

This is why I supported Global War Against Terrorism initiated by G.W.Bush in 2001.


jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Deim Robinson

deim robinson

Hello. He's Deim Robinson.

He's an american  singer I knew in Sueca two years ago, a village of Spain.

A great singer and showman and sincerely all of you should attend to a Deim's shows.

He used to collaborate with the great Mauri Sanchis.

You can watch a sample and LISTEN TO his VOICE:


jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Pepe Blanco

Pepe Blanco
This is Pepe Blanco. An ex-minister from the Zapatero's government...In Spain our politicians who have a chair in the Congress have inmunity for the justice. We have to elevate a prosecution to the highest instance in our justice. The police have documents that demonstrate that he has received a briefcase for some kind of favor he gave to a childhood's age friend...

Can we have the same justice for a politician and the rest of the citizens in Spain?.


lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Downstairs to hell...

Hugo Chavez

This is the sketch of Hugo Chávez.

He's going down the stairs directly to the hell...

Soon the color verion!, so stay tunned!.


And Step 1 goes here:

hugo chavez

And Step 2 :

Step 3:
hugo chavez 
Final Phase: