viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Sam Elliot!

sam elliot
Hello friends.

This is Sam Elliot and it's one of these actors who you always watch and think "Hey, this guy is the man for this character..." and you watch him again and think the same again...And when over the years you watch him again turns to think the same over and over again...Haha...

The question is: who's he?. And the answer is: SAM ELLIOT!.

All the characters he selects are rude gentlemans, maybe a general in "Hulk", a rider (ghost) in "Ghost Rider", maybe a security man in "Roadhouse" and even a rude motorcycle rider in the "Mask" as friend of Cher in the movie.

So this is my tribute to this great secondary actor.

I hope you like it as much as I did painting it.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

ORDESA: Cola De Caballo

Hi friends.

This is one of the most amazing landscapes you can watch in the #Pirineos mountains, Spain. It's called "Cola De Caballo" and its a route through these beautiful mountains inside the National Park called Ordesa. 

The visits are limited during each day and the access is regulated with a Bus you can take in the initial part of the National Park we are talking about: Ordesa.

What you can watch in the far plane, on the background, is the "Cazadores" route, a risky route not recommended for beginners but with the most beautiful perspectives of the national Park.

I encourage you to visit this National Park, in the best part of the Pirineos mountains of Spain, ARAGÓN. :)

Ordesa, cola de caballo

Thanks for watching it!.

#coladecaballo, #ordesa, #pirineos, #aragon