lunes, 29 de julio de 2013


Hello. He's the well known Francisco, the new Pope. We all hope he bring us the peace and stability in these hard times we live. He has spent a few days in Rio De Janeiro, (Brazil) and he has brought together the biggest call of young people in the world in the World Youth Day 2013

As usual, the message of The Pope is always for bringing us the peace, prosperity and respect for others as an example of the goodness of our religion, for us, the cristians. 

God bless The Pope Francisco.

And of course, I hope you like it. 

francisco pope

You can watch it in the section of periodistadigital's blogs at:

Click on it in order to watch it better.

Kind regards.

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Mr. Boudot for Law Paths game.

This is another illustration for the game in which I'm working on: "Law Paths", soon  available in GooglePlay.

ace attorney law paths  Mr. Boudot

Ace Attorney is a well known game for the adventure games' lovers. If you love games like Ace Attorney you must pay attention on this one: Law Paths. Interesting cases, multiple paths to resolve till the end and good graphics and presentation for the delight of your eyes. :)

Kind regards.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

A cloudy landscape in summer time...

Summer cloudy landscape

Hi!. This is a cloudy landscape which I've painted between other projects I'm working for.

However, I didn't know whether continue or finishing it. I chase the second option. :) .

See you soon!.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Edward Snowden!

Hello!. This is Edward Snowden. Lately we are hearing too many things about him and we don't know anything. We've even heard that Hyperjustice-man Mr. Garzon was going to defend him against the USA, who is searching Snowden.
I think that all this is one more smoke courtain of Obama who is trying to hide his illegal spy acts against the TEA PARTY. The most important thing here and with Obama is this : OBAMA HAS BEEN SPYING THE TEA PARTY. and for this same reason, Richard Nixon was forced to abandon the White House. This is the doble way of understanding the same thing for the left media and parties: one thing for conservative leaders is a crime and the same thing for a progressist leader is "well considered" . So well considered that must be hidden even for some comunist countries as Venezuela, Russia or Ecuador.

You can watch more at my personal blog (for the wittygraphy visitors):

I hope you like it!.

Kind regards.