lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Cebrián & Romero for a Spanish digital newspaper.

Cebrián Moreno caricatura
Here's a caricature for a spanish digital newspaper...

You can follow the link at:


domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Daniel Craig...As 007 again.

Daniel Craig 007 Bond
Hello!. This is Daniel Craig. A tribute for this new release of the 007.

See you at the cinema!.

Thanks for watching it.


martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Still life ...With iPad.

bodegón ipad


This is another one I've painted with iPad and Procreate. A still life ...FROM MY MEMORY. Withuot no real models: only from my memory. It was painted (as others before) meanwhile I was flying, inside a train and inside a bus.

I've painted so many fruits that I can paint them in any position, with any variation..From my mind and  just like I prefer and I want to.

As always, it was really funny.

I hope you like it.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

A new Landscape...With iPad.

landscape ipad procreate
This was a landscape made with iPad. I was sitting on my sofa and left my imagination fly...With the final result.

It was funny. Procreate is a great App for iPad.

Thanks for watching it.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Joe Biden caricature

Joe Biden caricature
And this is the time for Joe Biden.

It's expected to the sinking in the mud pond of the democrat party because of the terrible macro numbers in terms of economy.

It's strange that they still believe they will achieve again the government...This is more faith and no other thing.

Kind regards.

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Paul Ryan caricature!

Paul RyanHere goes my favourite candidate for the Republican Party. I've made many sketches and finally decided this was the most funny to paint.

I think Republicans will win these elections...Or at least this is what I hope.

It's unthinkable 4  more years of Obama. But I would beg Romney and Ryan to attack the debt: the USA can't support its debt, around $15.3 trillion ...Democrats always cut from the defense part of the total budget, which only means weakness and less supremacy per year.

So, here's the caricature "Step By Step", simply: Paul Ryan!.

I hope you like it. 

Best regards.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012


Hi there. Here you are my last artwork: Pitbull illustration.

He comes from Puerto Rico and has become really famous. But, what am I trying to tell you which you don't know at this point of him?. :)

I've never seen a videoclip with more than 340000000 visits before I watch this one of Pitbull ( Incredible!.

Now I'm watching this video, I think can't wait to caricaturize Marc Anthony.

Regards and, thanks for watching this.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Expendable Sly caricature...

Hi my friends!. Here arrives my last caricature. This is Stallone with Van Damme and Chuck , Chuck Norris

Due to some personal reasons I've published this one, a relative old one.

I hope you like this caricature / illustration.

Thanks for watching it.

Best regards.