jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Christine Lagarde painted with ipad!

Lagarde Christine fmi ipad
Here is Christine Lagarde. Will she avoid the bankruptcy of Spain and the end of the Euro?.

The fact is that the economy in Spain has been destroyed since an illuminated called Mr. Zapatero decided to tell tales and jokes and put no limits to the budget of each region inside Spain: the Comunidades Autonomas, something like a mini-State. The independentists are becoming stronger against the Spanish Nation and the crisis is not only in terms of economics, it's institutional, moral, social, political...There's no country which could support more than 4 years a president like Zapatero (Obama!).

The former president, Mr. Zapatero, leave us with an official 25% of unemployment and a non declarated 30%. 3 Trillion of Euro of national debt and a real inflation of 20%, declared official of 3%.

The actual president has no "cojones" to do what he has to do and eliminate any sign of nacionalism even with the depression which Spain is living.

This painting was created with Procreate for iPad 3rd generation.

Kind regards.

6 comentarios:

  1. Sí que hizo daño el hijo de puta de Zapatitos.

  2. Si no fuera porque se trata de él te habría censurado el comentario amigo.

  3. Hey guys!. Have you voted a so destructive man??. You are crazy bros...

  4. Zapatero me quitó la ayuda para comprarme un coche. ME ENGAÑÓ.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
